Welcome to the New Pingree Farms 4H Blog
This page is for OUR EYES ONLY! To the right you will see the upcoming Pingree Chores Schedule and Upcoming Pingree Events Please let the officers know if you would like to see additional items on our website and we will try to make any changes~ Our email address...
A Baby Calf was Born!
We are happy to announce that today at Pingree Farms, a new baby calf was born!
Pingree Farms at the 2013 Oakland County 4-H Fair
At this years Oakland County 4-H Fair some Pingree Farm Kids competed with Lowline Angus Jersey Cross Mini Cattle. A great time was had by all!
Hoop House 2013
Watch the construction of the hoop house.
P.P.P.I.G 2013 Video
Two great planting days... one great video. Don't miss the next one!
P.P.P.I.G 2013 Number 2!
For the second time this spring, Pingree Farms had serval dozen volunteers Putting Pingree Plants In the Ground! As always, it was an awesome event. It may have even been the most well attended volunteer day yet! This time we had an Oompah Band playing, sheep being...
A Visitor from Iowa
One of the things we love about Pingree Farms is the interesting people who are drawn to it. This last weekend at our P.P.P.I.G event we had volunteers from many different neighborhoods with varied backgrounds… all coming together to make Pingree Farms a reality. One...
P.P.P.I.G. 2013
Here are a few photos from today's planting at Pingree Farms. The volunteers were treated to a lovely day in Detroit working with the soil while listening to a Mariachi band! If you missed todays even don't worry you can catch the next P.P.P.I.G event on June 1, 2013....
Emus in Detroit?
Someone we know found this post on Facebook. Obviously the individual who posted it did not drive farther down the street of he would have seen miniature cows, chickens, goats and so much more! Hilarious that he just saw the 2 Emus... who are kind of hard to see...
Pingree PPPIF day at Belle Isle 2013!
Yesterday's PPPIF day was a huge success! Volunteers showed up in perfect form and planted to the rhythm of a steel drum band. In three hours 625 flats were planted with over 10,000 little plants transplanted - AMAZING!!! Below are a few photos from the event. Like...