
Thank you for all of your support of Pingree Farms over the last 15 years. Your support has impacted so many! We are still here but are adapting our activities as things have been changing!

Sorry but there will not be a Planting Day celebration this year. The gardens were disappointing last year because the weeds got out of control. This year we are sewing cover crops to try and control all the weeds that have taken hold. We will be planting one field as a community garden.

You may have heard we had several animals stolen a little while back. We were able to recover two of the four but it has caused us to rethink our security. While still have the livestock we will no longer be a Petting Zoo or be open to the public.

The Mason’s Easter Egg hunt on the Pingree campus was a big success in spite of the weather. Over 200 children were in attendance and tons of eggs were found!

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Drew Ryan Wines Vineyard and Winery! Drew Ryan Wines crafts a variety of wines including sparking wines, white wines, rose wines and red blends. They have moved into one of the buildings on campus and have started planting their vineyard. They are working on getting up a running in the next few months and we look forward to helping them build a great local brand!

Another exciting announcement! The bees survived the winter (thanks to the care taken by Hank Thones, Ray Ogalsbee and Neal Stupera) and are busy as. . .bees! All six hives that we had last fall successfully overwintered and are off to a strong start this spring. Two of the strongest hives have been split to increase our numbers to eight colonies. Anticipating a strong honey year from them!